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Monday, June 6, 2011


Being a member of St John's Ambulance Malaysia (SJAM), I got the responsible to bare the motto "For The Service of Mankind". So, I will share some tips on the exam of this seminar as I passed last year (2010). I will provide question with answer for you as exercise. If u found any mistake, you may tell me by commenting here or tell me on facebook (Lee Ken Hin). After u copied the question please simply click on the "reaction"(is at bottom of post) or comment so that . Thanks.


1. Name 3 guidelines for the Cadet Voluntary Service Scheme.
a. It must render help to those in need.
b. It must not for intended material gain or benefit to the cadet or his/her family.
c. It must be undertaken in leisure hours.

2. Who issue the following Special Service Shield :
a. 500hours : State level or State/ Regional Staff officers
b. 1000hours : National Headquarters or Commander-In-Chief

3. The 5 categories of the Cadet Proficiency Scheme are:
a. Care
b. Emergency Care
c. Communications
d. Leisure
e. Home Service or Life & Social Skills

4. The Cadets who obtained 12 certificates of Proficiency Course will be granted a ____a._____ by the Order and they will be known as ______b._____
a. Grand Prior's Badge
b. "Grand Prior Cadets"

5. All the 12 Proficiency Certificates must be spread over not less than ___a.___ months and all certificates must be completed by the ___b.___ birthday.
a. 36
b 21st

6. Name 2 subjects that is available in the following categories:
a. Life and Social Skills : Citizenship and Home skills
b. Emergency Care : Accident Prevention and Civil Defence
c. Communications : Signalling and International Friendship

7. Name the colour codes that distinguishes the following Special Service Shield:
a. 100 hours : BC050
b. 200 hours : BC051
c. 500 hours : BC052
d. 750 hours : BC053
e. 1000hours : BC054

8. In the following years of service for Cadets, state the number of Service Stars/ Stripes that is awarded:
a. 2 years : 2 service stripes
b. 5 years : 2 service stars
c. 6 years : 2 service stars and 1 service stripe

9. What is the compulsory subjects that is required to obtain the Grand Prior Badge.
a. Knowledge of the order

10. Which of the following is deemed to be highest award for Cadets?
a. Special Service Shield (Gold)
b. Cadet Leader
c. Grand Prior's Badge
d. Triple Service Stars
*answer is C.

11. Which of the following is FALSE as far as the Ambulance Cadet Uniform is concerned?
a. The bottom of the sleeves must be 64mm above the elbow.
b. Shoes and shoelaces must be black in colour.
c. The Cadet Pocket Badge is to be worn 5mm from the bottom of the tight breast pocket.
d. The shoulder flashes are to be stitched on both sleeves, the top of the shoulder flashes touch the seam f the shoulder.
*answer is C.

12. Name tag should contain only word with maximum of ___a.___ letters.
a. 9

13. Who shall be the signatories in a Divisional General Bank Account?
a. Divisional Superintendent
b. Secretary
c. Treasurer

14. What is the purpose of a Social Account?
a. To provide a fund for social entertainment, benevolent grants, wreaths and such other items of expenditure.

15. How could the Divisional Fund be dispose if a division is being disbanded?
a. Divide the fund among all the divisions in the State/ Region.
b. Divide the fund among the members of the division.
c. Hand over the fund to the State/ Regional Commander.
d. Hand over the fund to the Divisional Superintendent.

16. The submission of Divisional Yearly Accounts shall be done before ___a.___
a. 31st December annually
b. 31st March annually
c. 30th June annually
d. 30th September anually
*answer is B.

17. Members in uniform are not allowed to assist in fund raising for other organisation unless it was permitted by _______
a. Commander-In-Chief
b. State/ Regional Commander
c. Divisional Superintendent
d. No permission needed
*answer is A.

18. Name 10 documents that must be kept by a division:
a. SJAM General Regulations
b. Dress Regulation
c. Training Manuals
d. Divisional Rules & Standing Orders
e. Records Sheets (BF1)
f. Individual Record on BFC4
g. Divisional Attendance Register
h. Minutes Book
i. List of Store & Price List
j. Cash Book & Receipt Book

19. What are the efficiency requirements for a SJAM cadets?
a. Pass an annual re-examination in Basic Life Support.
b. Be present at the Annual Divisional Inspection.
c. Attend not less than 12 Divisional Meetings.
d. Carry out their SJAM obligations to the satisfaction of their officers.

20. Name the objectives of SJAM
a. Encourage & promote all works of humanity & charity... without distinction of race, class, colour or creed.
b. Render aid to the sick and wounded in war or in peace.
c. Promote, encourage & co-ordinate the work of SJAM in all aspects in Malaysia.
d. Promote, encourage & co-ordinate contacts between themselces and similar organisation in other countries.

21. Name 5 objectives of CLDS.
a. Train one to become leader.
b. Train one to be independent
c. Train one to be discipline
d. Let one to know more about SJAM
e. Expose one to the society

22. Who is the current Commander-In-Chief for St. John Ambulans Malaysia?
*YBhg Dato' Dr Low Bin Tick

23. What is the position of Dr. Lee Hoo Teong?
*Chief-of-Staff (Training) [not sure]

24. Who is our Regional Commander?
*Dr. Loi Kheng Min

25. Who is our Regional Superintendent(Operations)?
*Tuan Michael Yeow Kiew Meng

26. Who is our Hon. Regional Secretary?
*Mr. Wang Siew Hong

27. Who is our Regional Staff Officer of Cadets?
*Mr. Woo Chong You

28. State the word of command for "Fall In" in full.
*Dengar sini semua sekali, apabila mendapat hukuman, satu/dua/tiga barisan di hadapan saya, Gerak! Skuad/Baris, hendaklah bersedia, berlari, berbaris dalam satu/dua/tiga barisan, di hadapan, di tengah-tengah, di mana saya menghadap. Faham itu skuad/baris? Tiga barisan di hadapan saya, Gerak!

29. A

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx C

(Diagram is given, then will ask something like:)
a. state the word of command to turn the members facing "B"
b.State the word of command to turn members facing "C"
c.State the word of command for quick march when members are facing "C"

Friday, June 18, 2010

How To Extract zip Files ?

You will need the winrar to extract zip files - click >> (WinRAR x86 (32 bit) 3.93) or go to the download link >>http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm

Steps To Extract Files :
  1. Install the WinRAR you downloaded
  2. Go to the file that you want to extract ( something like this >> )
  3. Right click it
  4. Click " Extract Here "
  5. It will locate at the last slot of your Documents ( something like this >> )
  6. Double click it to see the content

Restaurant City Hack

Dun worry ! This hack is still working but some of it have been patched..

~The hack ( Piaip RC Hack v2.22 ) created by xxx (means I don't know) - You can download it here >> http://www.mediafire.com/?t0wxdlmqqzj
~You'll need to extract the hack after you downloaded it. To learn how to extract zip files, please look into my post on how to extract zip files. Thanks

Piaip RC Hack v2.22's content :
  1. Auto regeneration of employee stamina (patched)
  2. Fast one second cooking (patched)
  3. Fast waiter serving food and drink (better don't use because it might makes your popularity to drop)
  4. Fast running customers (Still working)
  5. Fast eating customers (patched)
  6. No customer wants to go toilet (patched)
  7. Unlock all recipes (patched)
  8. Food King 100% on Street (patched)
  9. Quiz answer always correct (patched)
  10. Freeze Quiz timer (Still working)
  11. Set Quiz reward to: (patched)
Tutorial for Piaip RC Hack v2.22 :
  1. Open your IE / Firefox / Google Chrome (can view ur whole restaurant) download link >> http://www.google.com/chrome/eula.html?hl=en&brand=CHMA
  2. Login to ur facebook
  3. Go to Restaurant City
  4. Extract Piaip RC Hack v2.22
  5. Open Piaip RC Hack v2.22
  6. Select ur IE / Firefox / Google Chrome u using from "process name" at the bottom
  7. Tick the patches u wan
  8. Click " Patch! "
  9. Den it will apply to ur restaurant city in a few seconds

Add on:

If you really want to use " No customer wants to go toilet ", you can download " RC-Cheat-03-March-2010 " at http://downloads.ziddu.com/downloadfile/8815958/RC-Cheat-03-March-2010.rar.html

Tutorial for RC-Cheat-03-March-2010 :
  1. Open your IE / Firefox / Google Chrome
  2. Login to your Facebook
  3. Go to your Restaurant City
  4. Extract RC-Cheat-03-March-2010
  5. Open RC-Cheat-03-March-2010
  6. Select the language you wan
  7. Select IE / Firefox / Google Chrome u using in RC-Cheat-03-March-2010
  8. Click on scan
  9. You will see for example 1:00000000 2:00000000 3:00000000 4:00000000 5:00000000 6:00000000 7:00000000 Done ( 13937 ms ) after it done scaning
  10. Click on " No Toilet "
  11. It will apply to ur Restaurant City in a few seconds...
Reminders :

If your Anti-Virus shows that those file are not safe to use, you can choose not to use it but I used it a few months already or you can just pause the protection like me ^^
After you apply the selected hacks, you can't undo it like how u apply it.. What you need to do is to close the IE / Firefox / Google Chrome and reopen it >.<|| Remember to refresh list before you patch or scan.

Free Market :

Add dogv@live.co.uk to trade ingredients that you want !


Facebook Restaurant City Food Quiz Answer

You can refer to this Facebook Restaurant City Food Quiz Answer when u use the Freeze Quiz timer

Q: Agar is a gelatinous substance derived from what?
A: Seaweed

Q: Bechamel sauce is also known as...

A: White Sauce

Q: To blanch a vegetable, means to?
A: Boil and Cool off quickly

Q: Calamari is fried?
A: Squid

Q: What is a Calzone?
A: A turnover made of pizza dough

Q: In which restaurant would you typically find Calzone?
A: Italian

Caviar is made from?
A: Fish Egg

Q: What kind of pizza is chicago style?
A: Deep dish

Q: Chilli is a?
A: Fruit

Q: Which of these chillies is the spiciest?
A: Naga jolokia pepper

What is chinese gooseberry called in ancient time?
A: Kiwi

Q: What is chocolate bloom?
A: Cocoa fat or sugar

Q: The chuck is found where on the cow?
A: Front

Q: Which continent produces the most cocoa?
A: Africa

Q: What is coconut?
A: Fruit

Q: A crepe is typical a ...?
A: Thinly cooked pancake

Q: Dim sum originated from which country?
A: China

Q: Dulce de leche is prepared by heating...?
A: Sweetened Milk

Q: Which sauce used in Egg Benedicts?
A: Hollandaise sauce

Q: Where did Feta Cheese come from?
A: Greece

Q: The flank is found where on the cow?
A: Mid

Q: Foie gras is food made from which part of an animal?
A: Liver

Q: In England, French Fries are called?
A: Chips

Q: To garnish a food means?
A: Add final touches

Q: Granny smith apples are?
A: Green

Q: Grapes grow on?
A: Vines

Q: The main ingredient in Guacamole is?
A: Avocado

Q: Where is the hamburger originaly from?
A: United states

Q: What is Hashi?
A: Chopsticks

Honey comes from?
A: Bees

Q: What is the main ingredient in Hummus?
A: Chickpeas

Q: Kimchi is a Korean dish made of fermented?
A: Vegetables

Q: What is Ketchup made of?

A: Tomatoes

Q: Lard is the fat obtained from which animal?
A: Pig

Q: Naan Bread is served with... ?
A: Indian Food

Q: Natto, a traditional Japanese food, is made from fermented?
A: Soybeans

Q: New-York Style Pizzas are generally?
A: Thin crust

Q: The pizza originates from which country?
A: Italy

Q: To poach something means?
A: To cook in boiling water

Q: To Proof dough means to...
A: Allow it to rise

Q: Prunes are dried...?
A: Plums

Q: Raisins are dried...?
A: Grapes

Q: Ratatouille is?
A: A vegetarian dish

Q: The main ingredient of Ratatouille is?
A: Tomatoes

Q: To refresh vegetables is....?
A: To immerse in COLD water

Q: What is the color of Rhubarb?
A: Red

Q: The rump is found where on the cow?
A: Back

Q: What is Saffron?
A: Spice

Q: Sauerkraut is made from?
A: Fermented Cabbage

Q: To saute a dish, means to?
A: Fry quickly in hot pan

Q: The sirloin is found where on the cow?
A: Mid

Q: What is the most expensive spice in the world?
A: Saffron

Q: Which of the following spices is the most expensive??
A: Pure Vanilla

Q: Steak tartare is a meat dish made from raw?
A: Beef

Q: What is Stracchino?
A: a fresh cheese from Italy

Q: In which restaurant would you typically find sushi?
A: Japanese

Q: Where does taco orignate from?
A: Mexico

Q: In which restaurant would you typically find tacos?
A: Mexican

Q: In which restaurant would you typically find Tapas?
A: Spanish

Q: Tofu is made of .... ?
A: Soybean

Q: A tomato is a?
A: Fruit

Q: What color is Tuna meat?
A: Pink

Q: Where is Tuna from?
A: Salt Water

Q: The main ingredients in Tzatziki are?
A: Yoghurt and Cucumber

Q: Venison is the meat from what animal?
A: Deer

Q: What is the main ingredient of wasabi?
A: Horseradish